Happy Homes


The foster home in Port Alfred led by Child Welfare where 2 foster mothers with 10 foster children stayed, is officially closed on 1-12-2018, due to lack of money.
2 children are housed with family and the foster mothers now live together with 4 foster children in their own homes.

As the Nemato Foundation, we have decided to take care of the children and foster mothers and to support them where necessary. Through our concept "support a Child", we want to ensure that these children will have a good future. 2 children already had very good education at a very good primary school in Port Alfred. Because we think it is very important that they have good education, we have decided to pay the taxi costs for their transport. We also find the continuity of the swimming lessons very important and we have arranged that the children can use the swimming pool in Port Alfred every month for a whole day from their current residence.

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We were able to arrange that the foster mothers can pick up fruits and vegetables, which are no longer sold by the store, but are still very good, every Monday, free of charge. We are very grateful to the owners of Fruit & Veg from Wharf Street for this gesture.

The name Happy Homes comes from our conversations with the foster mothers who indicate that they are very happy with the current situation and that they and their children are doing very well. In consultation we decided to call the houses Happy Homes. Although not visible on the houses, but more as a name indication for our project.

In March, Ellen paid a visit with Lizo, our secretary and former Child Welfare employee, along with Shangie, a building contractor, to look at the state of the homes and see what needs improvement. Meanwhile, the roof at Vivian's house has been repaired and we have bought a large wardrobe for both homes. At Hilda's house we had a complete bathroom built and also placed a wardrobe.

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On March 24 we all celebrated Vivian's birthday at Guido’s. It was a tribute to Vivian, the foster mother who is always there for the foster children, her own children and also her grandchild, who all live in her house.

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In October we organized a special day for the children. We left for the shops in the morning to buy Christmas clothes. This is a tradition and the kids love it. Then we all went to kiddies beach where they had fun in the water with water guns. When the tide came in we packed our things and left for Harry B's where we ended the beautiful day with a delicious hamburger. Tired but satisfied, the children and foster mothers, Vivian and Hilde, returned home.
Occasionally organizing such a day for the children is extremely valuable and we thank the support parents in the Netherlands who made all this possible for our Happy Homes.

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JJH Foster Home Alexandria


Twice a year all children and caregivers of JJH are invited for a holiday weekend in Boknes. The children enjoy sports and games and go to the beach in groups to play with each other and forget all the worries. The Nemato Foundation finds this very important and these outings have been a great success for many years. They are always organized in spring and fall.

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On March 27, we organized a lecture on HIV / AIDS in collaboration with the Confident Girls foundation. Very valuable because it has been shown that there are still many stigmas surrounding HIV / AIDS. It was a very successful day with many interactions of the youth who attended the lecture.

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An application was made for a Wendy House, a wooden house on the grounds of JJH. The house was built in May and now serves as an office where, among other things, the children's medical data is stored.


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In addition to the children going to Boknes, the older children were invited in groups to go to the cinema in Port Alfred. The cinema has opened its doors again. The children were treated to popcorn by the cinema staff.


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We already started this project last year. We have hired a coach who teaches primary school students cricket after school. There are 4 schools involved, namely, Dambuza, Mtyobo, Station Hill and Port Alfred primary school. In April and October, a competition was started between the 4 schools. It was a great success.


In July, a very large event was organized which made the newspaper several times. A world tournament cricket for the kids. It was an unforgettable event where Station Hill eventually went home with the beautiful cup.
It was really fantastic and on the final day on July 13, the players were even escorted to the field by majorettes.

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Port Alfred got talent show.

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On 12/10 we encouraged a young lady, Asher Bam, who was then living with JJH, to participate in Port Alfred got talent. We went there to encourage her with all the children and foster mothers of the Happy Homes.
Convinced of her singing qualities, she did indeed win the first prize (R1000). Another beautiful day and very good for her self-confidence.


Siphenati Dike, a young man of 18 years old, a former resident of JJH, has been guided and supported by us for years because of his artistic qualities.
In October we contacted Amy Muir of Art and Craft Gallery in Bathurst to ask if she would like to exhibit Siphenati's paintings.
And since October 2019, his paintings can be admired in the gallery.
We are very grateful to Amy for giving Siphenati a stage.

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Rainbow cricket club

Unfortunately this is the last year that we can support Rainbow cricket club.
We were able to delight them with beautiful shirts and beautiful tracksuits. Of course all with the Nemato Foundation logo.
Equipment was also needed, which we were able to purchase for them.
We wish them lots of success in the future and we will continue to be fans !!

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Port Alfred Soupkitchen

The Port Alfred Soupkitchen is still supported by us with a monthly contribution.
They provide a lot of people in Nemato and surroundings with a much needed and nutritious meal.

He Reigns youth organization

On September 25, we sponsored a youth day of He Reign's youth organization.

MZ addressed the youth, including the children of the Happy Homes, on topics that the youth in the townships deal with.
A very educational and valuable day, which was held at Mansfield Game Reserve.

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Eye Scan eye clinic Port Alfred

On December 19, Ellen was handed over a YAG läser by mr. Gerritsen, clinic manager of Eye Scan for the eye clinic in Port Alfred where the residents of Nemato receive free consultation. The eye clinic is located in the old part of the hospital and is run as a Rotary Port Alfred project.

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